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This is a Online Private Lesson that will be scheduled between you and Flor, the founder of Ullvuna.


Once purchased, you will be contacted to schedule the class regarding the days and time availability of you and Flor.


The list of materials you require, which are basically yarn, scissors, yarn needle, comb and the Zoom Loom.


The class will be digitally taught through Meet (Google). You only require a Google account (email) to access to the class.

*Skill level: Beginner
*Duration: 2 hours




This is a 2 hours class.


You require the Zoom Loom from Schacht Spindle, or any 4x4" pin loom in which the pins are aligned in trios, also like the Weave-It Pin Loom.


If you want to make your own 4x4" pin loom  instead of buying it, download this template.

Zoom Loom / 2 and 3 Warp Methods


    - 4x4" Pin Loom Weaving

    - Yarn required


    - Two-Layer Warp Method

    - Three-Layer Warp Method


    - Changing color yarn

    - Using different yarn types

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